
Chicken or Egg??

This week we have quite an interesting topic. First I would like to start with a picture.

In the article of Dissecting Darwinism by Joseph A. Kuhn, the author offered us some twists. First, he talked about how important role physicians play in the modern science area, so he thinks he has a word for the Darwinian revolution. According to Kuhn, 99% of the scientists believe in Darwinism, and the idea of pointing out the weakness of the Darwin revolution law in very few states seems radiculous. Then, the author did talk about those weaknesses of Darwinian revolution. I could only say, it is a mind blowing thing! Our body is just too complicated to be explained as random mutation. There are so many things that cannot be answered by Darwin. Everything we thought certain becomes vague. Once we thought that survival of the fittest is so granted. Then we find out that it is not even nearly possible that this splendid civilization comes from a dice of the nature.

However, I do not agree with all the statements in this article. Even though to form such a complex system in our body seems impossible at a chance of random mutation, but it is still not 100% impossible. Human beings never have a good feeling of infinity. There is a famouse saying that if an infinite number of monkeys are typing in an infinite time, there is more than one of the monkeys that can type out the complete works of Shakespeare. This is a true statement logically. And since we still have no idea of the origine of the universe. It is possible that we have been around since an infinate time ago and somehow we are the monkey typing the last period mark of the whole works of Shakespeare and starting to think about what we have been doing.

The biggest difference between the human race and other animals is that we would think of our origin. Not only us, the origin of everything. And look what we have achieved. Chicken or Egg?? We are still not sure about the answer after these years of exploring.

Even though it seems that we have achieved nothing for certain yet, but I know one thing for sure: existence in possible, which means nothing is an accident. Since we are here, we should not accuse our existance of being irrational.

I will use one scentence as a conclusion: Who the hell takes a question like that seriously? I am here and I am happy about it. That is enough.