
Plagiarism, Let's Not Carry It Too Far

I have been writing a lot of blogs about plagiarism already. This week, I want to give it a new point of view. As we know, plagiarism is always a big deal. Actually, it is so big that it can make your hair on end if someone is accusing you of it.

Not only the severe consequences that could be caused by plagiarism, but also its wide existance. Plagiarism can appear anywhere in your academic life. It could appear with an inappropriate citation in your essay, a picture you used in your lecture powerpoint without declaring the resource, or even an refering in your public speach without noticing the original contributer of the idea. Plagiarism spreads so wide that it could even become a threat. It threatens you constantly as long as you are thinking of using some information that does not originate from yourself. However, the truth is there is too much to share, especially with the help of the internet. In this era of the socalled information explosion, there is barely anything new now. Anything you find, anything you say has a great chance of being found or said already. Does that mean we are all thieves of ideas? Are we all plagiarists? I think it is time to set a boundray. Let's say do not carry it too far.
We are never original.

Now, plagiarism is a regulated thing that any violation would be considered crime with punishment. However, tracing to its very beginning, it was basicly a moral thing.Plagiarising is not right because it makes people feel bad. It would cause a feeling of injustice because someone would obtain a credit with other's hardwork. It is simple and straight forward in the beginnning. Then step after step, we came to this place.

"Your professor copied a chaper from a book and handed it out to you, so your don't have to buy the textbook? Was she allowed to do this?"

"If the owner of an article gives you permission to make copies of it, do you have to worry about plagiarism?"

"You are writing a paper and you copy a few words from another paper. Do you think this kind of copying is considered plagiarism?"

Here are three questions in a survey of students' opinion about the range of plagiarism. I consider these questions are the most difficult to answer. Take the first one as an example. It is indubitably a violation of copy right, if you make copies of a book without the permition of the writer. However, what if your perfessor does offer you a copy. Will you refuse her kindness and but your own copy which could be hundrads of dollars? Will you report her for her academic misconduct? It is easy to answer the questions on the survey. As long as we stay strict, we would be fine. However, in the real world, there are so many "grey area" and there are circumstances that we just cannot be too strict and point out all the mistakes others make, especially the minor ones. The line of moral is wide and different for everyone, so the line of plagiarism is blur as well. What rules should we follow when we are really haveing difficulties define plagiarism? Should we tie ourselves up, so we can never make a single mistake?

Practically, put yourself at the position of the original creator and think about it. If I was the author, what would I like my work being refered? "If I spent three years and got a result, I would rather be properly cited." "If someone is using my material for his lecture, I would like him to inform me in advance." Transpositional consideration would be a good way to solve this problem. And I found, most of time a polite enquiry to the resource provider beforehand can save a lot of troubles, and most of the people are generous of sharing their work as long as you give credits to them.


Does What Gabrielle Reece Said Really Set Us Back?

Weekend Confidential: Gabrielle Reece

Alexandra Wolfeg states Gabrielle Reece, a former model and professianl volleyball player is under great debate on whether her opinion of females being submassive to males has set the human culture to its early stage. The author introduces the difficulties at the begining of Ms. Reece'marriage and sugggests that this could be the reason leads to her choice.According to the author, Ms. Reece is taking a "service-oriented" role at home but still keeping an eye on her own career in fitness industry. The author concludes that even if Ms. Reece's words is strongly controversial it does not stop her from being happy as who she is.

For me, I do not understand how Ms. Reece's opinion can influent the women movement so much that can even draw it back to "being a doormat is a sign of strength". American females still have to follow the husband's family name after marriage. I really do not see how much has been gained since the women movement.

China has abandoned the family name changing custom for a long time. Does it mean our female is much stronger and more independent than our male. I am afraid not. Asian woman are widely known by their soft and gentle behavior pattern before or after marriage. Just like this family name thing, the women movement is a big joke itself. When the ones start to consider themselves a vulnerable group and fight for fairness, they actually start the discremination by puting themselves in a damaged party. There is no meaning to fight to be treated as men, because afterall we are not men.

We are different that is why we are treated differently. That is our nature and it is not necessarily a bad thing. The nature of your body and brain design determines that we female are more suitable to do trival and misellaneous things than men. On the other hand, males are more strong on focusing. Some would say they are sexal discriminated during job hunting. Or is it because that job is acctually not suitable for females at all? If so, why do we bother fighting for some equal job oppotunities on things that we are not really as good as men. Why do not we do something that men can never do. How about staying at home, making best efficiency in house keeping and using the extra time for self developing? Males cannot always do this, not only because they are not good at it(usually ends up in tragedy), but also they have to work like slaves to raise money so we can put on new curtains and renovate the gardon. I do not see any disadvantages and weakness of women here.

Here I want to talk about the efficiency of social functioning. The highest efficiency can only be reached when everyone is at the spot that suits him best. Why would you use a canon to shoot a mosquito? Then, why would you put a female on safe guard?

We are female. We do what men cannot do and we are meant to be protected and babied. I am so proud of this! This is how an independent woman thinking.