
Add Some Dramatics into Life

Our topic this week is how to make one's digital story more dramatic.In my opinion, it is almost impossible to make a dull daily life into an attractive story.If someone's life is nothing but eating, sleeping and working, how can we put any dramatic elements into it without making up stuff from no where? In one word, a good story only comes from a man with stories.

Do you still remember the time when we were all kids. At that time, life was full of adventures and surprises. Anyone except Mom were strangers. Anywhere except home could be dangerous. We were afraid of, at the same time curious about everything, spreading our little antennas to sense this world. At that time we did not even have any idea what "world" stands for. At that time, we thought the whole world must be raining, because it was raining so hard outside my window.

Now, everything has changed. We are trying to meet and cooperate with strangers. We are not afraid of new environments any more. Now we know that the world is so big while we are so insignificant. We used to be the center of our little world, but now we are only passers-by of this age. There is no more excitements, because we are so occupied to work so we can maintain a position in this society, as we think. 

I am not saying the socialization is bad. We need it for our civilization construction. However, we have gone too far. With the maturity of socialization, people are more and more like parts of this big machinery world. Once you fit into a position, you are not longing for anything new. You would be tired of changing, you were afraid of being replaced if you showed your resentment. You feel like living in a sh*thole, but you would not jump out because all the rest of the world are nothing but sh*tholes.

It is time to leave everything behind your head and look for dramatics in life. At least, one day per week. Let's say a "different Saturday", which means we do something we have never done before on every Saturday. Try board-skating, try sand-painting, try hanging out with the homeless for one day, try running out of town until you have no strength left and have to take a ride home. There are so many things we have not tried yet and life is so short. Do not live it pathetically. Get out of your box and live it dramatically!

That is what I would do to make my story dramatic.

