
Afraid of plagiarism? Just TURNITIN!

For the data analysis writing, the class were asked to take a short survey. The first three questions in the survey are around a specific case to see the students' attitude against plagiarism.

From this case study, we can see that the attitudes of the students are quite uniform. More than one half of the students have a caution and choose to cite the resource whenever they think they use some important information from others. Around 30% of the class still think when the line becomes blur there is still some space of discussion between guilty or not. There is no need to be too harsh and cite every single thing. Besides these two groups, there is still a few people (around 12%) have a high tolerance of plagiarism. From this first part of the survey, we can tell that most of the student gain some degree of caution of citing and try to avoid plagiarism as they can.

In the next part of the survey, some questions about the utilization of the website turnitin.com were asked. Here are results of question 4 to question 7.

From the results we can see that, the overall comment to turnitin.com from the students are positive. Students find it helpful and acceptable for teachers use to prevent plagiarism, and they are ready to use turnitin.com by themselves if available. From this we can interpret that turnitin.com is fully accepted as a product preventing academic misconduct. What is interesting is the last question about the main reason that the students do not use turnitin.com for now even though they offered a positive attitude towards it.
The reasons why international students do not use turnitin.com are quite different. Some students think it is too expensive to use. Some other students think it is time-consuming, which means not convenient enough for use. There are also students think there is not need to use because they are confident enough. After all, turnitin.com is only a tool. People are free to choose use it or not at their own decision. Turnitin.com is developed to make writing easier but not more complicated.

